Tell IRS To “Drop Dead”
Lemons’ Response Last Straw
Watch as IRS Commissioner Everson & Officials
Evade & Obfuscate the Truth
For many months, Americans caught up in resisting the IRS’s income tax fraud have contacted WTP for direct legal assistance and advice. As you know, WTP’s primary mission is education and facilitating citizen vigilance and activism. It does not include providing specific, individual assistance on tax or legal matters.
However, after last Tuesday’s “Enforcement, rather than Answers” insulting retort from IRS’ Terry Lemons to David Cay Johnston of the New York Times, WTP is now offering advice worthy to be followed by all People contacted by the IRS or their state tax collector, looking for money directly or indirectly related to Subtitle A or C of the Internal Revenue Code.
Below is a memorandum from Bob Schulz that is now being sent to anyone who contacts WTP for such help. It announces that WTP Congress has just released a (template) letter that can be sent to the IRS and/or State tax collectors in response to their attempts to unlawfully enforce the income tax code.
(continued. . .)
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