Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Justice Robert Houghwout Jackson (1892-1954) US Supreme Court Justice American Communications Association v. Douds, 339 U.S. 382, 442 (1950)
I, Veronica Ann; Hannevig born in the United States of diplomatic representatives by hereditary succession of the Kingdom of Heaven, claim the property, rights, privileges and immunities granted to me and my heirs by hereditary succession by Our Father, Yahweh, the Creator and sovereign ruler of the heavens and the earth and all that is in them. Let it be known that I and my heirs in succession claim sovereign immunity for debts and penalties incurred and imposed by execution of any adhesion or unconscionable instrument, contract or deed enacted by any entity, government or corporation. (See Barron's Law Dictionary, 1996, [ISBN 0-8120-3380-9] for the definition of all words and phrases used in this notice. See "citizen" for definition of "diplomatic representatives".)

It cost the owners of the Federal Reserve $.09 to print a "bill" of any denomination.
When a worker receives $10.00 for his/her labor the owners of the Federal Reserve profit $9.91!
Another +/- $2.00 (20%) Federal Tax is demanded by agents of the IRS on behalf of the owners of the Federal Reserve.
As I calculate it, with the present use of "bills", for each $10.00 of a working man's labor his debt to the owners of the Federal Reserve is approximately $11.91.
Should laborers acqueiesce by chip or plastic card to a totally cashless economy, profits for the owners of the Federal Reserve will increase exponentially approximately $12.00 for every $10.00 of a man's labor! This debt will be passed on to his descendants until they choose to rebel; or, the owners of the Federal Reserve do the honorable thing and reconcile their debt to the laboring man and his descendants.
Today we are at the threshold of a democratic, volunteer, optimal form of indebted servitude, wherein none who oppose it will be able to buy or sell.
America is merely a geographic location wherein has been sown wheat and tares; and dwell sheep and goats. What's in your DNA? Fire burns tares, swords slay goats, and the Word of Truth set us (sheeple) free.

"Back to the Basics"
Kings, Priests and Our American Birthright
Is America's Dilemma the Result of an Unresolved Ancient Conflict?
Legally STOP Withholding FREE Forms & Instructions
Fully Informed Jury Association (FIJA)
What you can do to combat IRS terrorism.
The People's Awareness Coalition
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