I feel deep sorrow for all the victims of violent acts worldwide that are perpetrated on behalf of a handful of men/women who have an agenda to dominate. What is even more disturbing, however, is how effectively the American people have been manipulated by Madison Avenue words and visuals to buy into this agenda to the point that they are willingly contributing to their own destruction.
For instance: "Terror" is not an "act". "Terror" is a "feeling"; an "emotion".
There are two (2) proven strategies to overcome an emotion: Drugs and Empowerment.
It's been my observation that Congress' focus since the "Brady Bill" and "911" has been to disempower Americans.
Congress has been inclined to use tax payers' debt based dollars to; fund programs that screen for emotional dis-ease, create data bases which include that such screening data to be put on "mandatory" identification cards for which the people are expected to pay a cost, and protect the sharing of the people's personal information with global commercial banking and insurance entities that will eventually benefit the owners of the pharmaceutical companies, who will in turn have legal commercial access to those who have voluntarily opted into their actuarial, pharmaceutical and other studies. I suspect that Herr Mengla is smiling in his grave.
Additionally: Since both the Euro and Dollar are a debt based units of currency; How are the people's of the nations who use this currency to ever pay off a debt with a debt? Intellectually and morally this is absurd! Intellectually and morally this is 'indebted servitude'/"peonage" perpetrated and maintained by a handful of men who globally manipulate the money supply as their allied media strokes the emotions of the people under the guise of "democracy"!
As for this current "War"; It makes sense to me that "Christian" America would be pitted against the "Islamic" nations. How else can the agenda of those who profit from a debt based monetary system, whether the Dollar or the Euro, continue their dominion if there is honest trade among the nations with a tangible currency based on "honest weights and measures".
If we had enough men and women in Congress that took their oath of office seriously, we would have a tangible monetary system, be at peace with Islamic nations, and best of all, there would be no need for those with an agenda to pit believing nations against one another under the guise of "terror". Unlike a drugged or disempowered person, an empowered people have few excuses (if any) to tolerate injustices, or to injure or damage their neighbor.